Sowing **Eucalyptus** seeds can be a rewarding experience, but it requires a few specific steps to maximize your chances of success. **Eucalyptus** seeds are typically small and lightweight, requiring special care when sowing. Here is a step-by-step guide to successfully sowing **Eucalyptus** seeds:
### **Materials required:**
- **Eucalyptus** seeds.
- Light and well-draining substrate (seedling compost or mixture of compost, perlite and sand).
- Pots or seed trays.
- Mini greenhouse or plastic film (optional).
- Spray bottle or watering can with fine nozzle.
- Warm water to soak the seeds (optional).
- Labels to mark seedlings (optional).
### **Steps for sowing Eucalyptus seeds:**
#### 1. **Seed preparation:**
- **Eucalyptus** seeds are generally small and do not require special treatment such as scarification. However, to improve germination, you can soak them in **warm water** for **12 to 24 hours** before sowing. This can help soften the shell and promote water absorption, but it is not a necessary step.
- If you have recently harvested seeds, make sure they are not too old, as **Eucalyptus** seeds lose their viability over time.
#### 2. **Prepare the substrate:**
- The **seedling substrate** should be light, well-draining and aerated. A good mix can be composed of **seedling compost**, **perlite** and **sand**. This mixture will prevent the seeds from rotting while ensuring good germination.
- Fill **pots** or **seedling trays** with this substrate. Make sure it is well moistened but not soggy. A slight humidity is sufficient.
#### 3. **Sowing the seeds:**
- Since **Eucalyptus** seeds are small, it is recommended to **sow them on the surface** of the substrate, without covering them with soil. They need **light** to germinate, so do not bury them deeply.
- Sprinkle the seeds on the surface of the soil, then press lightly to ensure good contact with the substrate. Leave about **1 to 2 cm** of space between each seed if you are sowing several seeds in the same pot.
#### 4. **Germination conditions:**
- **Temperature**: **Eucalyptus** seeds germinate best at temperatures between **20 and 25°C**. It is therefore best to sow the seeds indoors, in a warm place, or under a **mini-greenhouse** or **plastic film**.
- **Light**: Make sure the seeds are exposed to **good indirect light**. Avoid direct sunlight during the germination process, as this could dry out the substrate.
- **Humidity**: **Eucalyptus** seeds need **constant humidity** but moderate. Water gently with a **spray bottle** or a **fine-tipped watering can** to avoid moving the seeds.
#### 5. **Germination time:**
- **Eucalyptus** seeds typically germinate between **7 and 21 days**, although this may vary depending on temperature and humidity conditions. Be patient and maintain a stable, warm environment to promote germination.
### **Seedling care:**
#### 1. **After germination:**
- Once the seeds have germinated and the first leaves appear (often after about 2 to 3 weeks), remove the mini-greenhouse or plastic film. This will prevent excess humidity and promote good ventilation.
- Young **Eucalyptus** plants are sensitive to stress, so be careful not to move them too much or expose them to extreme conditions.
#### 2. **Watering:**
- Water **Eucalyptus** seedlings regularly, but be careful not to saturate the soil. Light watering with a **spray bottle** is best.
- The substrate must remain **moist** but not soggy. Excess water can lead to root rot.
#### 3. **Transplanting the seedlings:**
- When the seedlings have developed several leaves and the roots are starting to strengthen, you can transplant them into larger pots.
- The ideal time for transplanting is when the seedlings are about **5 to 10 cm** tall and have several well-developed leaves.
### **Transplanting into open ground:**
#### 1. **When to transplant outdoors:**
- **Eucalyptus** prefer warm temperatures, so it is best to transplant them outdoors in **spring or summer**, when temperatures are well established and there is no longer any risk of frost.
- Ideally, they should be planted when the daytime temperature is between **20 and 25°C**.
#### 2. **Location:**
- Choose a **sunny** location for planting in the ground. **Eucalyptus** likes a lot of light and heat.
- The soil must be **well drained**. If your soil is heavy, you can add **sand** or **perlite** to improve drainage.
#### 3. **Spacing:**
- Young **Eucalyptus** trees can be spaced approximately **50-80cm** apart initially, but mature trees will need more space to grow as they can reach considerable heights.
### **Maintenance after planting:**
1. **Watering:**
- Once established, **Eucalyptus** are relatively drought tolerant. However, during the growing phase it is important to keep the soil slightly moist.
2. **Fertilization:**
- **Eucalyptus** are plants adapted to poor soils, so they do not need rich soil. You can, however, fertilize them lightly in spring with a balanced fertilizer.
3. **Size:**
- **Eucalyptus** trees generally do not require pruning, except to remove dead or diseased branches. If you want to control the size of the tree, you can perform a formative pruning in early spring.
### **Additional Tips:**
- **Avoid frost**: If you are growing **Eucalyptus** in a cold region, it is best to grow them in **pots** so that you can bring them indoors during the winter.
- **Attractive plants for pollinators**: **Eucalyptus** often attract bees and other pollinators with their fragrant flowers and nectar.